The packaging sector is growing at an astonishing rate which makes it all the more important that the materials used are suitably sustainable. We are well aware that packaging materials are very visible to the consumer. There are growing pressures from consumers, retailers, packaging suppliers, regulators and environmental groups for the development of environmentally friendly packaging. In addition, end-of-life processes need to improve packaging sustainability by reducing its societal and environmental impacts.The hugely significant and growing trend toward sustainability is an important influence on the packaging industry. Consumers are demanding more sustainable systems which are formalised and publicised in the media. The result is that sustainability has become a necessity for attracting consumers and protecting market share.
It is now an expectation, not simply an identifier.
Packaging, and more so plastic packaging, is receiving intense focus and scrutiny resulting in there being significant advances in sustainability, but this has been a challenging process.
Pierre Pienaar, President of the World Packaging Organisation will share his opinion and belief as to what can solve the global packaging issue and make our planet more sustainable.

WPO Conference
~Trends affecting global packaging
- Free

Conference Tower 606
October 14 (Fri)
How to register
Priority for online pre-registration
100 seats
Prgram List
WPO Conference keynote Speech: Trends affecting global packaging
/ Pierre Pienaar (WPO President)
Sustainable & Circular Packaging Design: The Global State of Industry
/ Ms. Nerida Kelton(WPO Vice President)
*11:30-11:40:Coffee Break
Trends, Issues and Future prediction of each area:
・11:40-12:00 : Americas
/ Ms. Luciana Pellegrino (WPO Senior Vice President)
・12:00-12:20 : Europe
/ Dr. Johannes Bergmair (WPO Secretary General)
・12:20-12:40 : Southeast Asia
/ Dr. Pattra Maneesin (APF Secretary General)
・12:40-13:10 : Panel Discussion
: Moderator/ Ms. Soha Atalla (WPO Vice President)
・13:10-13:30 : Q & A