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Protable Spectrophotometer eXact Series
Portable spectrophotometer eXact and new model eXact 2. In eXact 2, there are many new features including Mantis™ (video targeting technology), digital magnifying glass and non-contact measurement, etc.. eXact 2 is the ideal choice for printers, converters, and ink suppliers.
Portable spectrophotometer Ci64 is designed for metal packaging such as aluminum beverage cans. Ci64 can accurately measure color even on highly reflective surfaces made of metallic inks or irregular surfaces.
Color Bar Scanning system IntelliTrax 2 Pro, IntelliPress 2 are mostly used by commercial and packaging printers. The system provides instant feedback on press job performance. With a single push of the measurement button, color bars can be scanned automatically at high speed. The system is ideal for adjusting the color tone of offset presses.
世界中でご愛顧いただいている調色計算ソフトウェアInk Formulationの他、今年のDrupaでご紹介した、次世代型のインク開発を支援するクラウド型のインク調色・品質管理のプラットフォーム、Autura。オフセットやグラビア、スクリーン印刷などのインク調色の計算、レシピ保存、承認、検索、品質管理など、すべてのニーズに対応します。
In addition to the worldwide popular Ink Formulation color formula calculation software, Autura is a cloud-based ink formula and quality control platform that supports next-generation ink development. Autura was firstly introduced at this year's Drupa, aiming to meet all needs, including ink formula calculation, recipe storage, approval, search, and quality control for offset, gravure, and screen printing.
With NetProfiler, user can easily verify the equipment performance and optimize its accuracy with just 15 minutes of work each month, without having to send the equipment back to makers.