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Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd.

Function x Packaging Innovation
Booth Number:
  • 最新包装技術セミナー
  • 医薬品包装コミュニティゾーン
  • 通販・ギフトパッケージゾーン

Product Information

Resealable lid material for cups

This is a lid material with a reclose function that can be easily opened and closed.
The feel when taking out the contents or pouring hot water is the same as the conventional lid.
Prevents foreign matter such as dust and insects from entering.
It is a next-generation lid material that provides “hygiene and safe feeling” in various scenes.

Top sealed paper tray

  • NEW

A new type that achieves environmental friendliness and food loss prevention.
High sealing and barrier properties are achieved by top seal to paper tray.
The inner film and tray can be easily separated, reducing the stress of sorting.

Highly concentrated alcohol compatible packaging materials

  • NEW

Withstands “highly irritating contents” such as high concentrations of alkalis and alcohols
Functional laminated packaging material for liquids with special reinforced specifications.
By replacing conventional glass bottles and rigid plastic bottles, the risk of breakage is eliminated,
The amount of resin used and the weight of the container itself can be significantly reduced.


A highly functional film developed with a very advanced technology of combining resin with desiccants.
Effectively eliminates moisture and outgassing problems of pharmaceuticals / test drug.
Various specifications are also available according to the application, such as PTP-sheet and aluminum blister.
We also provide film for converters.
Registered in the Drug Master Files (DMFs) of the FDA.

We produce tuves for various applications: cosmetics, medical products;
toletry goods, food products, and so on. We use many unique production lines such as
high speed laminate tube line, a sequential make-and-print blow tube line,
an injection molding cap making line, and a lot of others, to optimize our
production efficiency, as well as sustainability.