To Visit for Press
To Visit for Press
Thank you for attending TOKYO PACK 2021.
Please refer to the following points when you arrive.
*Pre-registration for members of the press is not necessary. Upon arrival, go directly to the Registration Counter and submit your business card to obtain a PRESS pass and armband.
*Members of the press are allowed to enter any seminar without pre-registration.
However, you may want to pre-register if you want to be seated during a seminar. Otherwise, you may have to stand during a seminar if it is full. Also, please be sure to obtain consent from the seminar organizer when using a seminar manuscript, etc.
Taking photos is permitted for members of the press, but make sure to have your PRESS armband on your arm. When photographing booths and products, please be sure to obtain permission from the exhibitors.
When publishing any press coverage related to TOKYO PACK, please send a copy to TOKYOPACK secretariat.